3DWorld (154/293)

From:Paul Qureshi
Date:22 Apr 2000 at 19:33:38
Subject:Re: Heretic 2 Demo removed

Hi Thomas,

> I'm sorry to inform you that the Heretic 2 demo has been removed again
> from our site. The reason is that the interest in the demo was so
> large that it brought our bandwidth to the level of two T1 lines.

Wow.. I only wish I had a PPC to play it with, I think I really must get
a G3 now :(

> We'll have to find a new place for the demo with some more bandwidth.

How about Aminet? It's distributed nature an availability on university
networks make it ideal.


| ## paul.qureshi@btinternet.com ## |
| Amiga 3D Graphics - www.mc68k.demon.co.uk |
| Amiga Coder - Asm/C/Blitz |
| Intel - Outside | +---------------------------------------------+